Category: Announcements

DSF Open Forum

The DSF Open Forum is tonight, 9 October 2018, from 5:30pm-6:30pm. It will be held in McNutt 204. This is an opportunity to discuss how SAFB recommends the Student Activity Fund be spent. Accounts that are included in this forum are Club Appropriations, Non-Varsity Sports, Professional Projects, ASUM, St. Pats, KMNR, Rolla Yearbook, and many…Continue Reading DSF Open Forum

Spring 2018 Club Appropriations Deadlines

For those Wanting to Apply for Club Appropriations:                 In the last 4 semesters, you have requested funding for your organization. I would like to let you know that until 2/9/2018 you can request funding for your organization this semester to fund programs or equipment that would normally be beyond your budgeted resources, so if…Continue Reading Spring 2018 Club Appropriations Deadlines

SAFB Membership

Currently, there are six openings for membership in SAFB. To apply go to and click “Member Applications.” The requirements to be a member in SAFB is as follows: 2.5 GPA (Inflexible) Completed as least 2 semesters at Missouri S&T No more than 2 members of any Greek House, or Defined Residence Hall Community Organization that Receives…Continue Reading SAFB Membership

EFC Spending & Reallocation Deadline

Purchases All purchases are to be made by the last day of the semester they are approved for (The semester ends the last Friday of finals). If not, organizations will need to apply for an extension before the end of said semester. Reallocation Requests All reallocation requests are to be submitted on OrgSync before 5pm…Continue Reading EFC Spending & Reallocation Deadline

Fall 2017 EFC Deadlines

The Fall 2017 External Funding Contributions (EFC) deadlines are as follows: Final Application Deadline: Friday, September 15, 2017 Professional Projects, Applications accepted Fall only Non-Varsity Sports Applications accepted Fall only Club Appropriations Applications accepted both Fall/Spring Campus Events Fall deadline is the priority deadline Final deadline is 30 days before event Visit SAFB website for more…Continue Reading Fall 2017 EFC Deadlines

Membership Applications Available

SAFB is actively recruiting members. Please complete the application here.  SAFB meets on Sunday at 8pm, and getting involved is a great way to have a direct impact on campus through the management and allocation of student fees. Meaningful experience in resource management and negotiation is a key benefit of membership. Membership Requirements: Minimum 2nd…Continue Reading Membership Applications Available

FY17 E&C Deadline

The deadline for accepting Equipment & Contingencies (E&C) requests to be processed in FY2017 is Wednesday, April 12th, at 5pm. Please ensure a copy is submitted on OrgSync and a paper copy has been submitted by this time, as detailed on our website.  This is not a guarantee that request submitted before a deadline will be…Continue Reading FY17 E&C Deadline